Make it Green 2024 is a European Solidarity Corps team volunteering project created by Acarbio and financed by the European Union. The project took place in Tramonti, a beautiful mountain range in South Italy, on the Amalfi Coast, from the 12th of July to the 28th of August 2024 with 13 volunteers from all over Europe.
During six weeks, participants will work together in nature programs, take part in workshops and even organize their own ones, get to know the local culture and share theirs as well. On top of that, they will receive a Youth pass certificate at the end attesting to their efforts.
This year’s volunteers are a mix of nationalities from Spain, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Italy, France, Denmark and Czechia, comprising 13 individuals. While we all applied to the project for different reasons and with varying expectations, we all shared the idea of contributing to an environmental effort and giving back to our European community. For most of us, this is the first volunteering project after high school, and a perfect opportunity to do something productive and rewarding this summer. Nevertheless, for some of us, it is not the first time with ESC or even with ACARBIO, speaking volumes to the quality of the project itself and the wider ESC system.
ESC is an abbreviation for the term “European Solidarity Corps,” a cross-border volunteering initiative allowing European youth between 18 and 30 years to take part in short or long-term volunteering. These projects are hosted in many EU countries, with notably many initiatives in France, Spain, and Italy. Make it Green 2024 is one of the most popular ESC projects to be found this summer on the European Youth Portal, due to its beloved location on the Amalfi Coast.
Make it Green is one of the ACARBIO ‘s volunteering projects which focuses on the preservation of the environment and the maintenance of cultural knowledge.
The organization was founded in 2009 to nominate the Amalfi Coast as a UNESCO MAB Reserve and is
a non-profit organization of people from Tramonti (a municipality on the Amalfi Coast), who aim to bring about sustainable development for the area. This summer, volunteers from all over Europe were accommodated in the kindergarten of Gete, Tramonti, in exchange for their power to push forward environmental clean-up activities and other public greening projects.
The aim of the program is to promote sustainable development and solidarity on the Amalfi Coast and also support the local community and environment. It also teaches young people about biodiversity, sustainable art and agricultural projects, outdoor education and preservation of the terraces.
Participants’ Memories
#Memory 1 –
Weekend of the 13th and 14th of July
“The day started with a great morning, sun above our heads and Francesco singing Abba (one of his favourite hits) welcoming us with a big smile to the Make It Green Initiative 2024.
Francesco is the coordinator and recruiter of the volunteers and the heart of the Make it Green Initiative. Even in the first week, he gave us a lot of useful information regarding the upcoming activities, cleaning and cooking duties as well as information on the Amalfi area. He shared recommendations with us on where to get the best Pizza, Pasta, Limoncello and other desserts the Amalfi Coast is famous for. Remember we are in one of the most beautiful regions in Italy.”
#Memory 2 –
Eco House, Tuesday the 16th of July
If only Disney’s fairy tales come true, the Ecological House of Acarbio would most certainly be the little house of Snow White’s dwarfs- that’s how beautiful and carefully it was built.
Jokes aside, the Ecological Tree House is undoubtedly well-made and we were all amazed by the sheer amount of sweat, tears and ACARBIO´s long-term volunteers.
After a lot of admiring and chugging litres of water, we also headed to the Acarbio offices, where Antonio, Enzo, and the Association’s long-term volunteers, including those from Armenia, Greece, Germany, Russia, and Syria, were waiting for us. In the gardens behind the offices, we concluded the morning with anecdotes, stories, and more smiles.
Memory #3
Hiking to Valle delle Ferriere, Wednesday, 17th of July
“Where are we going? Why so early? These are some of the questions we all ask when we are told to get up early.
Without any expectations, the hike to Valle delle Ferriere was one of the best excursions of Week One. With the help of the two Francescos – our coordinator and another knowledgeable volunteer specializing in tracking -we learned about the details of this wonderful place called “Valle Delle Ferriere”. A natural spring and bio reservoir preserving climatic conditions akin to those during the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs walked the earth. The mosses and streams of water in the middle of the mountain truly provide a refreshing respite from the scorching heat that dominates the Amalfi coast at this time of the year.”
Memory #4 Medieval Parade, Sunday, July 21st
Tramonti is a small village but full of history, and this past Sunday, July 21st, we collaborated in one of the traditions of its rich history, the 13th Medieval Parade of Tramonti. Dressed as medieval nobles, we felt like kings and queens
of the past, representing the ancient families of Tramonti. The historical representation was marked by the leadership of “The Professor” and the sound of the band’s drums that took us all back to that time. We must also highlight the staging of the dancers and the game of flags that left us all with our mouths open. During such an event, not far from there, another one, a little more dangerous and less amusing, was taking place—the rescue of one of our companions. After going for a walk one beautiful summer afternoon, he got stuck in a place between the mountains of Tramonti, a place that only a helicopter could reach. Undoubtedly, it was a complex situation, but with the coordination of Acarbio, emergency forces, and some locals, the situation was resolved, rescuing our companion and giving the locals much to discuss during coffee breaks. Thanks again to Enzo, Antonio, and Francesco, who solved both “activities” in the best way.
Head editor: Kiara Fiedler
Writers: Eva Sallas, Kevin Cano Garcia Moreno, Myrto Kioroglou