The medieval parade: Symbol of Tramonti’s culture

The village of Tramonti has a rich history, untouched nature and culture which offers a lot of colours by its traditions. For decades, one of the most popular events in Tramonti is the medieval parade. This year, the Acarbio association had the privilege to be invited by the professor Domenico Taiani to be part of this historical event. 

To get things started, let’s take a look at some of the historical facts. Tramonti played an important role in the Battle of Sarno, which took place on 7 July 1460 and pitted the House of Angevin against the House of Aragon for the conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. While the Aragonese were losing the battle, 500 soldiers from Cavesi and Tramonti rescued King Ferrante of Aragon, who took refuge in the pious land of Tramonti. In order to thank the people of Tramonti, King Ferrante of Aragona offered them the privilege of becoming nobles.

Spirit of the parade

This medieval parade helps to remember something that comes from the past and it is a symbol of the fidelity of the local people in their continued loyalty and support of King Ferrante of Aragon. The parade brings this part of Tramonti’s history and culture back to the people and helps to reunite them.

Professor Dominico Taiani, the father of the annual festival and president of the Gete Association, explained that

This kind of event it’s a special one because after this event there is something which remains in the memory of all people and even if it happens that there are people who are not interested very much in history and culture, there is a message anyway.
There is love for culture and territory, there is respect, there is value and there is attention to this little space which is so rich in history, which becomes alive thanks to this manifestation. That’s why the festival is special, because it’s a time for quality tourism. Quality tourism that includes quality time and quality people, not the explosion of tourism we see today.
This event is important for young people as today they are distracted by the cell phones which kills the culture because nowadays young people don’t know a lot about our culture and history, and we are not sure that young person will find time today to read about history and origins. So, our festival is a precious piece of paper full of knowledge. The basis of Italian nationalism is found in historical processes where Tramonti has a special place. So, this festival allows us to review something from the past and to be proud of it. The event contains the principle of Italian nationalism: to repeat over the years the historical memory and to clarify things about our identity.”

The mayor, Dominico Amatruda, pointed out that nowadays young people are less interested in this type of event and that it could disappear and with it all that was behind it. Then, through the theatrical performance of the festival, it makes known the history and origins.

Dottor Vicenzo Ferrara, a true Tramontano commented:

“Coming to Amalfi and not seeing this part of history is worse than not coming.”

Impression of some volunteers

The parade lasted 3 hours and started from the church and monastery of St. Francis in Polvica, the centre of Tramonti, where a medieval re-enactment was performed by 100 participants dressed in medieval costumes.

It’s worth sharing now some feelings from the international volunteers who took part in the parade

“First of all, we felt accepted by local community, and we were proud to represent the culture of Tramonti. We felt joyful and grateful to have our personalized costumes and to play out our different roles according to them. It raised our interest in local culture and history of Tramonti. Moreover, it intrigued and motivated us to be curious and to keep learning about Tramonti’s Culture and historic significance. The atmosphere was really unique, and the crowd of participants and spectators was enthusiastic during the entire event.”

Authors: Jeanne, Daniela, Eran Olgun, Céline and Giannis from The Make it Green Team 2023 

A pdf version of the article: Article_Festival médiéval

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